Peek a Phone The Whistleblower Walkthrough

The famous whistleblower known as Lightcaster went missing. One of his followers found his phone and brought it to you. They’re certain Lightcaster went underground and deliberately left his phone to send the world a message. Can you find what Lightcaster wants to convey?

Peek a Phone The Whistleblower Walkthrough

  • War is peace. Free­dom is slav­ery. Ig­no­rance is strength. This is the first thing you see on Mis­sion 4. This is one of the slo­gan used in 1984 by the Eng­lish So­cial­ist Party.
  • En­ter the pass­word “1984” to un­lock the phone.
  • Open the Photos app and click on the video. At the end of the ac­count, you are given the code of his email ac­count which is 1337
  • Go back and open the Email app and en­ter the code: 1337
  • Open the “Ca­sual” email which con­tains the Ac­count In­for­ma­tion. At the very bot­tom, you can see the pass­word is 123qwe
  • Be­fore go­ing back click on the drop-down ar­row in the email ad­dress to show the full email for Jamie Lewis which is: [email protected]
  • Go back and open the Casual app.
  • En­ter the in­for­ma­tion we found pre­vi­ously: The email ad­dress and the pass­word.
  • Click on the Chat icon and open the con­ver­sa­tion with Oliver Lewis. He tells you that if you need help you’ll text him the word XERTZ
  • Go back to the main screen and open the chat app and then open the con­ver­sa­tion with Jamie Lewis.
  • Mes­sage him the word XERTZ
  • Mes­sage him “Where are you” and he will tell you that he is sick and that he is at 61 Ann Drive
  • Click on the flag and en­ter the ad­dress you found. Jamie Lewis is at 61 Ann Drive

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