Peek a Phone Initiation Walkthrough

Good news! We solved the tricky missions Initiation in Peek a Phone game. Find the detailed answer below which is described step by step by our team.

Peek a Phone Initiation Walkthrough

  • Check the first message from Liam and find out when Big Ben renovation which is in 2017. Use 2017 code to unlock Photos App. You will find a photo with different numbers as patterns. Go to the notes app and check for a file with the name Pass which has the numbers 173269. If you return to the photo with many numbers you need to focus on number 1 for 3 rows it creates the letter S, the number 7 creates the letter I, the number 3 creates the letter L, the number 2 creates the letter V, the number 6 makes letter E, the number 9 makes the letter V. Check the mail you have a file with a Key that needs a password to unlock use the password silver to unlock this key file.
  • Return to the messages and find the message from Anonymous that gives you a code. Match those codes with the Key file the word created is Marble Arch.
  • After unlocking the key you will receive a call from Hellbeam and then a safe chat from the same person with some coordinates. The coordinates that take you to Marble Arch are 51.513300 – 0.159300 U103-796666.
  • The answer is Marble Arch U103 796666.


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